Inn at Port Gardner, Ascend Hotel Collection

Über : Hotels Inn at Port Gardner, Ascend Hotel Collection in Everett


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Die Meinungen (100)

  • Avatar Matthew.i
    5 / 5
    Le 02/08/2022 à 16:12

    (Übersetzt von Google) Dies war wahrscheinlich das schönste 3-Sterne-Hotel, in dem ich je übernachtet habe (und auch schöner als die meisten 4-Sterne-Hotels). Die Zimmer waren groß mit vielen absichtlich gut positionierten Steckdosen. Die Klimaanlage war flüsterleise. Das Personal war sehr freundlich. Das Frühstück war lecker mit vielen Optionen. Mehr Hotels sollten so sein. (Original) This was probably the nicest 3 star hotel I've ever stayed at (and nicer than most 4 stars, too). The rooms were large with plenty of intentionally well positioned power outlets. The AC was whisper quiet. The staff was very friendly. The breakfast was tasty with a lot of options. More hotels should be like this one.

  • Avatar Shelly.
    5 / 5
    Le 30/06/2022 à 20:59

    (Übersetzt von Google) Toller Aufenthalt, tolles Zimmer! Das Ein- und Auschecken war einfach, das Personal war freundlich. Uns gefiel das kontaktlose kostenlose Frühstück. Angenehm überrascht von der Präsentation. Wir haben uns für eine Suite mit Kingsize-Bett entschieden, da meine Tochter und ich auf dieser Reise mit unserem Cousin gereist sind. Viel Platz. Wir haben den Kamin geliebt! Wir hatten ein paar Mahlzeiten auf der Lanai im Freien des Hotels, weil es schön warm war! Ich konnte das Hotel sonst nicht erkunden, aber es scheint, dass es ein paar Tagungsräume gibt. Ein großartiger Ort, um nach einem langen Tag mit anderen Großfamilien wiederzukommen. Wir freuen uns auf einen erneuten Besuch! (Original) Great stay, great room! Check-in and out was easy, staff was friendly. We liked the contact-free complimentary breakfasts. Pleasently surprised by presentation. We choose a king suite as my daughter and I traveled with our cousin on this trip. Ample space. We loved the fireplace! We had a couple of meals on the hotels outdoor lanai because it was nice and warm! Didn't get to explore the hotel other than that but it does appear that there are a few meeting rooms. A great space to come back to after a long day of visiting with other extended family. We look forward to visiting again!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 20/04/2022 à 00:00

    This smaller hotel is like a warm hug for your stay. Walking distance to many eateries and really beautiful walkways along the waterfront. The staff is very welcoming and efficient in all their dealings to meet your needs. There is a lot of activity in the area but it was remarkably quiet all day and night. Super comfortable beds.

  • Avatar J.
    5 / 5
    Le 13/02/2022 à 17:33

    (Übersetzt von Google) Wir hatten einen wundervollen Aufenthalt hier! Wir wurden von Tracy begrüßt, die unglaublich war! Sie war sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit! Ihre Persönlichkeit hat unseren Aufenthalt hier mit einer großartigen Note begonnen. Abgesehen von den schönen Zimmern ist sie einer der Gründe, warum wir wiederkommen würden! Das Zimmer war sehr sauber und komfortabel. Es hat alles, was Sie brauchen (Kaffeemaschine, Toaster, Mikrowelle, Fernseher, Kühlschrank). Meine einzige Beschwerde ist, dass es morgens keine Möglichkeit gab, Tee (Kräuter oder Koffein) zu trinken. Das Gasthaus hat eine großartige Lage, da es nur wenige Gehminuten vom Rest des Jachthafens und den Restaurants entfernt ist. Ich würde dieses Hotel für einen schönen Aufenthalt mit Ihrem Lebensgefährten oder sogar für einen Familienaufenthalt empfehlen. (Original) Had a wonderful stay here! We were welcomed by Tracy who was amazing! She was very friendly and helpful! Her personality easily started off our stay here on a great note. Other than the nice rooms, she is one of the reasons we'd come back! The room was very clean and comfortable. It has everything you need (coffee machine, toaster, microwave, tv, fridge). My only complaint is that there was no options to have tea (herbal nor caffeinated) in the morning. The inn is located in a great location as it is walking distance from rest of the marina and restaurants. I would recommend this place for a nice stay with your significant other or even for a family stay.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen, vielen Dank für die hervorragende Bewertung. Wir werden die freundlichen Worte auf jeden Fall an Tracy weitergeben, da ich sicher bin, dass sie es lieben wird, es zu hören. Wir bedanken uns aufrichtig für die Zeit, die Sie sich genommen haben, um dies für uns einzureichen. Die Umsetzung von Kräutertees werden wir sicher besprechen – das ist eine tolle Idee. Nochmals vielen Dank und wir hoffen, Sie in Zukunft wiederzusehen! :-) (Original) Thank you so, so much for the stellar review. We will absolutely pass along the kind words to Tracy as I'm sure she will love to hear it. We sincerely appreciate the time you took in submitting this for us. We will certainly discuss the implementation of herbal teas - that's a great idea. Thank you once again and we hope to see you again in the future! :-)

  • Avatar Jessica.d
    5 / 5
    Le 27/02/2022 à 18:05

    (Übersetzt von Google) Sehr schöne und urige Lodge direkt am Yachthafen. Geschmackvoll eingerichtet. Bequeme Betten. Das Frühstück war gut. Sehr ruhig, außer Türen im Flur, die sich selbst schließen und laut zuschlagen. Würde auf jeden Fall wieder hier übernachten! ! (Original) Very nice and quaint lodge right on the marina. Tastefully decorated. Comfortable beds. Breakfast was nice. Very quiet except doors in hallway self close and slam loudly. Would definitely stay again!!

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Ich danke dir sehr. Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen mit Ihnen! Pass auf dich auf! (Original) Thank you so much. We look forward to having you again! Stay safe!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 04/05/2022 à 00:00

    As you enter the hotel, mid-toned, natural wood welcomes. In between large windows showing views of the boats in the harbor sits a lovely, large fire place. Sit an enjoy the view. Help yourself to coffee or tea. Rooms have the same natural mid-toned wood trim which feels like a mini cabin.

  • Avatar Michael.l
    3 / 5
    Le 25/06/2022 à 08:56

    (Übersetzt von Google) Schönes Anwesen! Das Personal muss geschult werden, um Personen einzuchecken, Zimmerautoschlüssel für die richtige Anzahl von Tagen zu machen und Bestellungen für bestelltes Frühstück zu befolgen. Ich hatte erwartet, dass der Service zu den sauberen Zimmern und dem wunderschönen Anwesen passt. Ich hatte sogar einen Mitarbeiter, der etwas kommentierte, das der Manager zu meiner Reservierung gesagt hatte. Wenn Sie viel reisen und nicht zur Rezeption gehen möchten, um Schlüssel zu erhalten, die nicht funktionieren, und gefeilscht zu werden, wenn Sie Sachen in Ihr Auto packen, würde ich es woanders versuchen. (Original) Beautiful property! Staffing needs training on checking people in , making room car keys for correct amount of Days, and following orders for ordered breakfasts. I Was expecting the service to match the clean rooms and beautiful property. I even had an employee make a comment about something the manager said about my reservation. If you travel a lot and Don’t want to be going to the front desk for keys that don’t work and being haggled packing stuff out to your car , I’d try somewhere else.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für Ihre Offenheit. Viele unserer Mitarbeiter lernen noch die Wege unseres Hotels. Vielen Dank, dass Sie mich auf diese bestimmten Dinge aufmerksam gemacht haben, die ich gerne beim nächsten Teammeeting ansprechen werde. Ich hoffe, Sie kommen irgendwann in der Zukunft wieder, um Ihre Erfahrungen mit uns zu verbessern. Pass auf dich auf. (Original) Thank you for your candor. Multiple people of our staff are still learning the ways of our hotel. Thank you for bringing these certain things to my attention that I'll happily bring up in the next team meeting. I do hope you come back some time in the future to remedy your experience with us. Stay safe.

  • Avatar Carson.r
    5 / 5
    Le 06/08/2022 à 09:01

    Night concierge is an ANGEL. She brewed me fresh coffee and made sure I was comfortable while waiting all night for my room to finally open. Consistently great service, even now that it has changed hands. I always stay here when I visit Everett.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 01/05/2022 à 00:00

    Desk clerk was a bit slow with check-in process. Room was very nice, with view of marina. Our travel schedule didn't really allow for time to be spent in the hotel and marina area, so review may not be worthy of hotel's potential.

  • Avatar Christopher.i
    5 / 5
    Le 28/07/2022 à 02:09

    (Übersetzt von Google) Alles in allem war Port Garderner sehr gut, fantastische Aussicht, guter Service vom Personal und ein ziemlich schönes Zimmer. Meine einzige Beschwerde war, dass ich weiße Bettwäsche in einem haustierfreundlichen Zimmer hatte, keineswegs ein Deal Breaker. (Original) Overall Port Garderner was very good, fantastic views, good service from staff and a fairly nice room. My only complaint was having white bedding in a pet friendly room, not a deal breaker by any means.

  • Avatar Sara.
    / 5
    Le 27/04/2022 à 00:00

    Positive: I can¿t name just one thing¿loved the location, the friendliness of the staff and how you get to order breakfast and it¿s delivered right to your door when you want it! Negative: We loved every about it! We will be back.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 28/02/2022 à 00:00

    We called to confirm hotel is pet friendly, we could make a reservation and that we could extend an extra night. Reservation made Thursday. We checked in on Friday and told 1. They didn't know we were bringing our 9 lb dog. Saturday at 9am went to front desk told hotel was full. Argued that we NEVER would have been told we could extend an additional night.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 15/02/2022 à 00:00

    Don't miss the opportunity to stay in this hotel. The rooms are spotlessly clean and the staff is more than accommodating. Good restaurants in walking distance and proximity to downtown Everett is great.

  • Avatar Kaitlyn.a
    5 / 5
    Le 23/06/2022 à 05:05

    (Übersetzt von Google) Wir sind heute Abend hier, in unserer Hochzeitsnacht, und es war nichts als eine wundervolle Erfahrung. unglaublich nette Leute, in einer schönen Umgebung. Danke! (Original) we’re here tonight, on our wedding night, and it’s been nothing but a wonderful experience. incredibly kind people, in a lovely setting. thank you!

  • Avatar Lyresa.
    5 / 5
    Le 02/02/2022 à 17:59

    (Übersetzt von Google) Schöner Ort. Leckere Restaurants in Gehweite. Bummeln Sie an warmen Abenden durch den Jachthafen. Frühstück kostenlos. Ich liebe dieses Hotel. Wunderbares Personal, viele Fernsehsender und sie halten mit den Sicherheitsvorkehrungen von Covid Schritt. Der Manager Sammy war ein Schatz mit all unseren Anfragen. Ich werde auf jeden Fall wieder hier übernachten. (Original) Great location. Mouth watering restaurants in walking distance. Marina stroll on warm evenings. Free breakfast. Love this hotel. Wonderful staff, lots of tv channels and they keep up with Covid safety precautions. The manager Sammy was a sweetheart with all of our requests. Will definitely stay here again.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für Ihre freundlichen Worte. Ich bin sehr stolz zu wissen, dass wir Ihnen eine ausgezeichnete Erfahrung gemacht haben! Wir freuen uns auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen. Pass auf dich auf! - Sammy (Original) Thank you so much for your kind words. I take a lot of pride in knowing we gave you an excellent experience! We look forward to seeing soon. Stay safe! - Sammy

  • Avatar Daniel.a
    4 / 5
    Le 29/01/2022 à 17:06

    (Übersetzt von Google) Wir waren in der Harbour Suite und haben es wirklich genossen. Toller Blick auf den Yachthafen, bequemes Bett, absolut tolles Internet, Kaffeemaschine, Mikrowelle und Fernseher, alles fantastisch. Was fehlte, war die inkonsistente Klimaanlage, keine Schubladen zum Einlegen von Kleidung und kein Safe zum Einschließen von Dingen. Alles in allem eine großartige Erfahrung. (Original) Stayed in the Harbor Suite and really enjoyed it. Great view of the marina, comfortable bed, absolutely awesome internet, coffee machine, microwave and televisions all fantastic. What lacked is HVAC being inconsistent, no drawers to put any clothes in and no safe to lock things in. All in all, great experience.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Schön zu hören, dass das Zimmer und seine Annehmlichkeiten für Sie angenehm waren. Für die anderen Angelegenheiten entschuldigen wir uns sehr - für das Zimmer, in dem Sie übernachtet haben, sind Renovierungsarbeiten geplant. Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute. Rufen Sie uns jederzeit an. Danke schön (Original) So happy to hear that the room and its amenities were pleasant for you. We're terribly sorry for the other matters - renovations have been scheduled for the room you stayed in. Wishing you well. Give us a call anytime. Thank you

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 07/01/2022 à 00:00

    I really enjoyed my stay here. The staff was so incredibly helpful and friendly and the rooms were awesome. I went for a personal retreat and the main lobby had a sitting area with a big fireplace perfect for a little time out of the room. Overall, I had a fantastic stay and will definitely be back!

  • Avatar Lori.o
    5 / 5
    Le 06/03/2022 à 21:41

    (Übersetzt von Google) Genossen unseren Aufenthalt an der Rezeption Tracy war ein Vergnügen! Das Bett war bequem und das Wasser war wunderschön! Es fand den Korb süß, danke für einen tollen Aufenthalt? (Original) Enjoyed our stay front desk Tracy was a pleasure ! Bed was comfy and waterfront was beautiful ! It thought the basket was cute thanks for a great stay 😃

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Wow, vielen Dank für diese süße Bewertung! :-) Den netten Kommentar werden wir natürlich an Tracy weiterleiten! Habt eine schöne Restwoche!! (Original) Wow, thank you kindly for such a sweet review! :-) We will be sure to pass along the nice remark to Tracy! Have a splendid rest of your week!!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 31/05/2021 à 00:00

    We loved everything about this place. The location on the harbor was superb. The room was large and nice. We really enjoyed having the outdoor patio space. The staff was wonderful and very helpful. The bed was very comfy! We will definitely suggest this lovely hotel to our family and friends who come to visit WA. Thank you!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 17/04/2022 à 00:00

    Beautiful, clean, cozy hotel. Great location. Good value. Would love to stay again.

  • Avatar krow.e
    5 / 5
    Le 15/01/2022 à 23:24

    (Übersetzt von Google) Unser Aufenthalt war großartig! Es ist ein schönes Hotel und ein Personal namens Paul war das Highlight! Er war super hilfsbereit und höflich und machte den Aufenthalt die 5-Sterne-Bewertung in jeder Hinsicht wert (Original) Our stay was great! It's a nice Hotel and a staff named Paul was the highlight! He was super helpful and polite and made the stay every bit worth the 5 star review

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für die netten Worte! Ich weiß, er wird stolz sein, es zu hören. Ich werde es sicher weitergeben. Wir hoffen, dass Sie für einen weiteren 5-Sterne-Aufenthalt wiederkommen! Bleibt sicher da draußen! - Rezeption (Original) Thank you for the kind words! I know he'll be proud to hear it. I'll be sure to pass it along. We hope you come back for another 5 star stay! Stay safe out there! - Front Desk

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 15/08/2021 à 00:00

    This hotel was the perfect little getaway for a night. Right on the water. Peaceful and quiet. I wish I had stayed more nights! I will definitely be back! The staff was super friendly as well. Lots of great places to eat around there!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 01/11/2021 à 00:00

    Not happy, won't stay again. Was not the quality of room I thought I would get for the price. Location is loud, train tracks, poor insulation. Don't bother booking balcony room. Had 2 inches of water standing on it made it impossible to enjoy. Watch your bill! Was double charged!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 26/05/2021 à 00:00

    Overall a good stay. Room spacious, bed comfortable, microwave in room a plus, great location, plenty of parking. Room was pretty dark however and didn’t give off a lot of light even with the curtains open. Had I known the naval horns would be blowing all morning, I would have requested to be moved, as I was constantly interrupted by noise during my meetings.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 19/04/2021 à 00:00

    I had an appointment on a Thursday in Everett, so we went over the day before, & wanted a room by the water, & found this little gem! Everything from calling to book the room, to their quick checkout process was great. The Deluxe Queen room had very comfortable beds, & was right by the marina, so the view was awesome! The bathroom was spacious & very nice, and the price was right! They give you an AARP discount, too, which was nice.

  • Avatar Marissa.o
    1 / 5
    Le 12/07/2021 à 03:34

    (Übersetzt von Google) Wenn ich ihnen keine Sterne geben könnte, würde ich es tun. Der Manager und das Personal sind unhöflich und ich werde nie wieder dorthin gehen. Ich wollte meiner behinderten Mutter nur eine Dusche geben, da unser Badezimmer zu Hause wegen eines schweren Wasserschadens im Bau war. Wir hatten seit 4 Tagen kein Bad. Ich habe ein Zimmer mit einer rollstuhlgerechten Dusche gebucht, weil meine Mutter im Rollstuhl sitzt und als wir sie bekamen, sagten sie, es sei zu spät zum Einchecken, obwohl der Typ am Telefon sagte, ich hätte bis 2 Uhr morgens Zeit zum Einchecken und ich war vorher dort? . Also sagte er, er würde es zumindest anwenden, wenn ich am nächsten Tag nach 16 Uhr einchecken wollte. Ich habe am nächsten Tag angerufen, um das zu tun, und der Manager sagte, ich hätte gelogen. Ich war so aufgeregt, dass meine Mutter nur ein Bad brauchte (Original) If I could give them no stars I would. The manager and staff are rude and I will never go back there. I just wanted to give my disabled mom a shower seeings our bathroom at home was under construction because of a severe water damage. We hadn't had a bathroom in 4 days. I booked a room with a roll in shower cause my mom's in a wheelchair and when we got their they said it was too late to check in even though the guy on the phone said I had till 2am to check in and I was there before that. So he said he'd at least apply it towards if I wanted to check in the next day after 4pm. Called to do that next day and the manager said I was lying about it. I was so upset my mom just needed a bath

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Ich entschuldige mich für Ihre Probleme mit Ihrem Aufenthalt. Wir haben bestimmte Richtlinien für späte Check-Ins und es war schwierig für uns, so spät um 3 Uhr morgens unterzukommen. Ich freue mich, dass wir das Problem lösen konnten und es tut mir leid, dass Sie das Gefühl haben, nicht wiederkommen zu wollen. Ich hoffe, Sie ändern Ihre Meinung und geben uns noch eine Chance. - Personal an der Rezeption (Original) My apologies on your troubles with your stay. We have certain policies about late check ins and it was difficult for us to accommodate at such a late hour of 3 am. I'm happy we were able to get it resolved and I'm sorry you feel like you don't want to come back. I do hope you change your mind and give us another chance. - Front Desk Staff

  • Avatar Norm..
    5 / 5
    Le 25/02/2022 à 14:04

    (Übersetzt von Google) Angenehme Überraschung, wie schön das Zimmer war und das Personal. Bestellen Sie am Vorabend ein warmes Frühstück und es wird zur gewünschten Zeit ohne Aufpreis und ohne Tabakgeruch auf das Zimmer geliefert (Original) Pleasent suprise how nice the room was and staff. Order hot breakfast the night before and it's delivered at chosen time for no added charge to room and no tobacco smells

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, uns zu schreiben! Wir schätzen alles, was wir hören, um das Beste aus unserem Hotel herauszuholen. Wir hoffen, dass Sie irgendwann für eine weitere großartige Erfahrung zurückkehren können. Pass auf dich auf! - Personal an der Rezeption (Original) Thank you for taking time out of your day to write to us! We appreciate anything we hear to help bring out the best in our hotel. We hope you can come back sometime for another great experience. Stay safe! - Front Desk Staff

  • Avatar Mellisoni.i
    5 / 5
    Le 29/07/2021 à 17:16

    (Übersetzt von Google) Schöne Lage. Zu Fuß zu Lombardi's Restaurant & Wine Bar und Anthony's Homeport Restaurant. Sammie, der General Manager, hat uns erstklassigen Service geboten. Sie und Simone waren sympathische, engagierte und aufrichtige Gastgeber. Wir fühlten uns wie zu Hause. Wir werden auf jeden Fall wieder ins Inn at Port Gardner zurückkehren. Der erste Stock ist hundefreundlich. 🐕 (Original) Beautiful location. Walking distance to Lombardi's Restaurant & Wine Bar and Anthony's Homeport Restaurant. Sammie, the General Manager, gave us first class service. Her and Simone were personable, engaging and sincere hosts. We felt like we were at home. We will definitely return to the Inn at Port Gardner. The first floor is dog friendly. 🐕

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Was für eine erstklassige Bewertung! Ich danke dir sehr. Bitte rufen Sie uns jederzeit an!! (Original) What a first-rate review! Thank you so much. Please, give us a call anytime!!

  • Avatar Rose.M
    5 / 5
    Le 30/07/2022 à 06:39

    (Übersetzt von Google) Tolle Lage, tolle Aussicht! Perfektes Frühstück! Ich kann dieses Hotel nur wärmstens empfehlen! (Original) Great location, great views! Perfect breakfast! Highly recommend this place!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 01/07/2021 à 00:00

    The Inn at Port Gardner is a great location located right on the marina. Suggest getting a room that faces the marina. You can walk along the boardwalk/pier wbere all the boats are and there are several restaurants to choose from which have decent food. Staff at this hotel was super friendly and very responsive. We will stay here again if we are in the area.

  • Avatar Emily.
    1 / 5
    Le 29/07/2021 à 07:08

    (Übersetzt von Google) Ich habe dieses Hotel zum 31. Geburtstag meines Freundes gebucht. Auf den ersten Blick schien es eine angenehme Unterkunft zu sein. Als wir eintraten, schien es in Ordnung zu sein. Der Service war nicht so toll und wir fühlten uns nicht willkommen. Das Zimmer war ziemlich enttäuschend, da ich für einen Blick auf den Yachthafen extra bezahlt habe und wir direkt am Aufzug untergebracht waren. Wir hatten kaum einen Blick auf den Yachthafen. Wir gingen zum Abendessen, kamen zurück und das Bett quietschte extrem. Selbst die kleinste Bewegung machte ein lautes Geräusch. Die ganze Nacht hörten wir den Aufzug und es war einfach schrecklich. Wir wachten auf und dachten „wenigstens werden wir gut frühstücken“. Ich bat um einen Bagel und Frischkäse. Er hatte einen Burrito. Unnötig zu erwähnen, dass wir bei einem Starbucks oder Taco Bell besser dran gewesen wären. Der Bagel hatte die Größe meiner Handfläche und der Burrito war flüssig und sah ungenießbar aus. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass ich eine „Obstschale“ (wie auf der Wunschliste zum Frühstück angegeben) angefordert habe und eine Banane erhalten habe. Wenn ich 200 Dollar ausgeben und einen guten Aufenthalt haben wollte, wäre ich zu einem Air Bnb oder dem Indigo Hotel gegangen. Es war so enttäuschend. Ich weiß, dass COVID-19 Auswirkungen hatte, aber wenn Sie Ihren Kunden so viel in Rechnung stellen, sollte es sich lohnen. Ich bereue es, jemals geblieben zu sein und wünschte, ich hätte mein Geld woanders ausgegeben. Außerdem konnten wir das WLAN nicht nutzen, da die Rezeption dies nicht bewiesen hat. (Original) I booked this hotel for my boyfriend’s 31st birthday. Upon first glance, it seemed like a pleasant place to stay. When we entered, it seemed alright. The service wasn’t that great & we didn’t feel welcomed. The room was quite disappointing since I paid extra for a marina view & we were place right by the elevator. We barely had a view of the marina. We went to dinner, came back & the bed was extremely squeaky. Even the slightest movement made a loud noise. All night long we heard the elevator & it was just terrible. We woke up thinking “at least we will have a good breakfast”. I asked for a bagel & cream cheese. He had a burrito. Needless to say, we would’ve been better off at a Starbucks or Taco Bell. The bagel was the size of my palm & the burrito was runny & looked inedible. Not to mention, I requested a “fruit bowl” (as stated on the request list for breakfast) & I receive a banana. If I wanted to spend $200 & have a good quality stay, I would’ve gone to an Air Bnb or the Indigo Hotel. It was so disappointing. I know COVID-19 has had an impact but if you are going to charge customers this much, it should be worth it. I regret ever staying & wish I would’ve spent my money elsewhere. In addition, we weren't able to get use the wifi because the front desk didn’t prove it.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Es tut mir so leid, dass Sie eine schwierige Nacht mit Ihrer Zimmervergabe hatten. Das quietschende Bett werde ich mir auf jeden Fall anschauen, da dieses Jahr alle mit neuen Matratzen getauscht wurden, ich hoffe sehr, wir haben keine verpasst. Ich entschuldige mich auch für die Frühstücksgrößen. Wir holen uns die kleinen Bagels und schneiden unsere Muffins in zwei Hälften, weil wir so eine Auswahl an Sachen auf unserer Speisekarte haben, wollten wir sichergehen, dass wir den Abfall minimieren, falls zu viel bestellt wird. Gerne stellen wir Ihnen alle gewünschten Extras mit einem kurzen Anruf an der Rezeption zur Verfügung, um uns mitzuteilen, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat und Sie mehr möchten. Leider haben wir auch keine "Obstschale", da auf unserer Speisekarte eine frische ganze Frucht steht, weshalb eine Banane zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Es tut mir leid für diese Verwirrung. Ich hoffe, Sie geben eine weitere Chance, Ihren Aufenthalt bei uns zu verbessern. Bleiben Sie gesund und danke für das Feedback. - Personal an der Rezeption (Original) I'm so sorry you had a rough night with your room placement. I'll definitely look into the squeaky bed as they were all switched out with new mattresses this year, I really hope we didn't miss one. I also apologize for the breakfast sizes. We get the small bagels and cut our muffins in half because we have such an assortment of stuff on our menu, we wanted to be sure we minimize waste in case there is too much ordered. We are happy to provide any extras you desire with just a quick call to the desk to let us know you liked it and want more. We sadly also don't have a "fruit bowl" as our menu states it's a fresh whole fruit which is why a banana was provided. I'm sorry for that confusion. I hope you give another chance to remedy your stay with us. Stay safe and thank you for the feedback. - Front Desk Staff

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 01/07/2021 à 00:00

    We couldn't have asked for a nicer location. With the hotel situated on the edge of the marina, there was plenty of activity to watch from people to seals, etc. The are restaurants within walking distance. This is a great location to be able to take a stroll as there is plenty of boardwalk space.

  • Avatar Gerald.a
    5 / 5
    Le 07/02/2021 à 04:35

    (Übersetzt von Google) Eine meiner besten Hotelerlebnisse überhaupt. Und ein Schnäppchen für 142 Dollar nach Steuern für eine große Kingsize-Suite im zweiten Stock. Am Freitagnachmittag, dem 29. Januar, eingecheckt und am nächsten Morgen abgereist. Ruhig im Hotel und die Zimmer sind offensichtlich alle vor kurzem renoviert. Es gab sogar einen Gaskamin, der den Raum und das angrenzende Schlafzimmer mehr als warm hielt, ohne die Heizung / Klimaanlage eingeschaltet zu lassen. Hat einen kleinen Balkon mit zwei Stühlen, um den Anblick des Yachthafens zu genießen. Das Badezimmer war sehr geräumig und das Zimmer hatte keinen deutlichen Geruch wie so viele andere, in denen ich in der Vergangenheit gewohnt habe. Der junge, große Angestellte an der Rezeption, der beim Einchecken da war, war sehr gastfreundlich und professionell. Lassen Sie uns auch ein Problem ansprechen, von dem viele Everett-Besucher wissen, aber ich habe keines auf dem Hotelgelände oder irgendwo in der Nähe gesehen, und das sind Obdachlose oder Tweaker. Es war ruhig draußen sowohl um 22 Uhr als auch als ich früh vor dem Frühstück um 4:45 Uhr abreiste. Insgesamt war es eine sehr unerwartete Überraschung und ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich jemals in Everett übernachten würde, aber dieses Hotel ist gerade ganz oben auf meiner Liste der regionalen Favoriten angekommen. (Original) One of my best hotel experiences ever. And a bargain for $142 after tax for a large king suite on the second floor. Checked in Friday afternoon Jan 29th and left the next morning. Quiet in the hotel and the rooms are obviously all recently renovated. Even had a gas fireplace which kept the room and adjoining bedroom more than warm without leaving the heater/AC unit on. Has a small balcony with two chairs to enjoy the sight of the marina. The bathroom was plenty spacious and the room had no distinct smell of any kind like so many others I have stayed at in the past. The young tall front desk clerk who was there at check in was very hospitable and professional. Also let's address an issue many visiting Everett knows about but I didn't see any of on the hotel property or anywhere nearby and that's homeless or tweakers. It was quiet outside both at 10pm and when I left early before breakfast at 4:45 am. Overall it was a very unexpected surprise and can't say before this I ever would stay in Everett but this hotel just moved to the top of my list of regional favorites.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für Ihre freundlichen Worte und Ihr friedliches Bild. Wir arbeiten hart daran, dass sich alle bei ihrem Aufenthalt wie zu Hause fühlen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Geschäft. Wir hoffen, Sie bald wieder zu sehen!! Bleib sicher und gesund! - Samantha McCausland Manager an der Rezeption (Original) Thank you so much for your kind words and peaceful picture that followed. We work hard here to ensure everyone's stay makes them feel at home. Thank you so much for your business. We hope to see you again soon!! Stay safe and healthy! - Samantha McCausland Front Desk Manager

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 23/01/2022 à 00:00

    Very comfortable hotel. The first-floor room with a door to a grassy area is great when traveling with a dog. Very quiet room.

  • Avatar David.
    / 5
    Le 04/01/2022 à 00:00

    Positive: Location was great. Negative: My 4 year old found a Methamphetamine smoking pipe under the bed. I think it belonged to one of the employees. Disgusting. Called the manager the following day. Not much of an apology!

  • Avatar Brittany.i
    2 / 5
    Le 03/04/2021 à 22:17

    (Übersetzt von Google) Die Lage ist unglaublich und außerhalb des Everett Hubs. Das Hotel wurde in einigen Bereichen umgebaut und die Zimmer waren ziemlich besser als der Durchschnitt. Kein Whirlpool, kein Pool und sie berechnen immer noch den gleichen Betrag wie Konkurrenten, die alle Annehmlichkeiten anbieten. Die Hotelmanagerin war schrecklich mit Menschen und erniedrigte ihre Mitarbeiter. Der Manager bekam die Reservierung falsch und beschuldigte und argumentierte, anstatt nur das Problem zu lösen, war sie so unhöflich, dass sie mich in Tränen ausbrach und sich nie entschuldigte. Ich habe dies dem Besitzer gemeldet und er hat sie verteidigt, also habe ich ihn gefragt, ob er weiß, wie sie mit den anderen Gästen und Mitarbeitern umgeht, und mir eine Gutschrift von 30 $ für den Vorfall gegeben. Trotzdem ist die Lage großartig und bringt dich aus dem Wahnsinn der Stadt heraus. Würde empfehlen. 😉 (Original) The location is amazing and out of the Everett hub. The hotel was being remodled in some areas and the rooms were fairly better than average. No hottub no pool and they still charge the same amount as competitors that offer all amenities. The hotels manager was terrible with people and demeaning to her staff. The manager got the reservation incorrect and blamed and argued instead of just resolving the issue, she was so rude she put me in tears and never apologized. I reported this to the owner and he defended her so i then asked him if he was aware of how she treats the other guests and staff, gave me a 30$ credit for the incident. Nonetheless location is great and gets ya outta the cities madness. Would recommend. 😉

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für die schönen Dinge, die über unser Hotel gesagt wurden. Ich möchte mich entschuldigen, wenn ich Sie während Ihres Aufenthalts jederzeit beleidigt hätte. Es war nie meine Absicht. Ich bin froh, dass wir die Reservierung am Ende reparieren und hoffentlich alle Unannehmlichkeiten beheben konnten, die ich oder meine Mitarbeiter erhalten haben. Sie können jedoch gerne das Inn anrufen oder mir direkt eine E-Mail senden, wenn Sie Ihre Gefühle in dieser Angelegenheit weiter besprechen möchten. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für das Inn at Port Gardner entschieden haben. Bleib sicher und gesund !! -Manager an der Rezeption (Original) Thank you for the nice things said about our hotel. I would like to apologize if I had offended you at anytime during your stay. It was never any intention of mine. I'm glad we were able to fix the reservation in the end and hopefully settle any unpleasantness received from myself or my staff. However, feel free to call the Inn or email me directly should you want to discuss your feelings on the matter further. Thank you for choosing the Inn at Port Gardner. Stay safe and healthy!! -Front Desk Manager

  • Avatar Danny.u
    5 / 5
    Le 10/06/2021 à 15:47

    (Übersetzt von Google) Ich war am Memorial Day Weekend dort und der Aufenthalt war fantastisch. Das Zimmer war großartig, die Aussicht auf den Yachthafen war schön und das Personal war ausgezeichnet. Ich hatte ein Problem mit meiner Buchung über VRBO und konnte zum Glück direkt über das Hotel umbuchen und sie konnten mir sogar einen niedrigeren Preis anbieten. Wenn ich das nächste Mal die Gegend von Seattle besuche, bleibe ich ohne Zweifel wieder hier. . . PS benutze nie VRBO, ich habe eine Woche damit verbracht, ein Problem zu beheben, das sie verursacht haben. (Original) I was there on Memorial Day Weekend and the stay was awesome. The room was great, the view of the marina was nice, and the staff were excellent. I had an issue with my booking through VRBO and luckily I was able to rebook through the hotel directly and they were even able to offer me a lower rate. Next time I visit the Seattle area, I am staying here again without a doubt...PS never use VRBO, I have spent a week trying to fix an issue they caused.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für die herausragende Bewertung! Wir stehen Ihnen im Rücken und können es kaum erwarten, Sie wieder bei uns zu haben. Rufen Sie uns jederzeit an! (Original) Thank you so much for the stellar review! We've got your back and can't wait to have you stay with us again. Give us a call anytime!

  • Avatar Steele.x
    5 / 5
    Le 20/02/2021 à 15:23

    (Übersetzt von Google) Das beste Hotelerlebnis, das ich seit langem genossen habe. Nicht nur ein Hotelzimmer, außergewöhnliche Erfahrung. Ein Juwel für OTR Truck-Fahrer, ausreichend Parkplätze. Kostenloses Frühstück wird jeden Morgen auf Ihr Zimmer geliefert. Ein ausgezeichnetes italienisches Restaurant gleich nebenan. Das Hotel liegt direkt am Wasserfrobt / Hafen von Port Gardner. Puget Sound Naval Complex gleich nebenan. Wenn Sie ständig unterwegs sind, ist dieser Ort ein erfrischender Genuss. (Original) Best hotel experience I've enjoyed in a long time. Not just a hotel room, exceptional experience. A jewel of a find for OTR Truck drivers, ample parking. Free breakfast delivered to your room each morning. An excellent Italian restaurant right next door. Located right on the waterfrobt / harbor of Port Gardner. Puget Sound Naval Complex right next door. If you travel constantly this place is a refreshing treat.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Wir sind hocherfreut, dies zu sehen. Es war wirklich eine Freude, Sie bei sich zu haben und sich auf das nächste Mal zu freuen, wenn Sie Ihre Knochen in einem bequemen und ruhigen Stil ausruhen können. Wir bedanken uns für Ihre Ehrlichkeit und dafür, dass Sie uns Feedback gegeben haben. Safe reist da raus und bleibt sicher. (Original) We are elated to see this. It was truly a pleasure having you around and look forward to the next time you're able to rest your bones in a comfortable and quiet style. We appreciate your honesty and that you provided us with feedback. Safe travels out there and stay safe.

  • Avatar FreeFun.a
    4 / 5
    Le 06/06/2021 à 21:18

    (Übersetzt von Google) Zimmer war schön. Bequeme Betten. Die Kissen waren zwar reichlich, aber nicht so toll. Schöne Böden und Lesesessel. Ausreichende Beleuchtung. Deck mit Gartenmöbeln, inklusive Tischschirm. Das Zimmer hatte Annehmlichkeiten wie Keurig, Kühlschrank und Mikrowelle sowie einen recht großen Kleiderschrank und einen Schreibtisch. Das kostenlose Frühstück war in unserem Zimmer inbegriffen: Steak & Cheese Burrito nicht zu empfehlen (denken Sie an eine Tankstelle), obwohl Chobani-Joghurt, frische Bananen und ein halber Muffin in Ordnung waren. Das Personal war freundlich und zuvorkommend, obwohl wir nicht alle unsere Möglichkeiten nutzen konnten, um am Fernseher zu arbeiten. Offenbar hatte das Management einige Änderungen an der Nutzung des Netzwerks vorgenommen. Meine einzige wahre Beschwerde war das sehr billige, einlagige Toilettenpapier, das sich im Grunde genommen auflöste. SMH .... Ich kann immer noch nicht herausfinden, warum sie ein so minderwertiges Produkt in einem so schönen Hotelzimmer verwenden. (Original) Room was nice. Comfy beds. While the pillows were plentiful, they were not great. Nice floors and reading chair. Adequate lighting. Deck with patio furniture, including table umbrella. Room had amenities such as Keurig, refrigerator and microwave, as well as a good size closet and desk. Complimentary breakfast was included with our room: steak & cheese burrito not recommended (think gas station), though chobani yogurt, fresh bananas and half of a muffin were all fine. Staff was friendly and accommodating, although unable to get all of our options to work on the television. Apparently management had made some changes to the use of the network. My one true complaint was the very cheap, single ply toilet paper that basically disintegrated. SMH.... I still can't figure out why they would utilize such substandard product in such a nice hotel room.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, eine Bewertung für uns abzugeben. Es tut uns leid, von all den Problemen zu hören, die Sie während Ihres Aufenthalts hatten. Sicherlich ist es unser Ziel, in unserer Einrichtung exzellenten Service zu bieten und da es unterdurchschnittlich zu sein scheint, werden diese Angelegenheiten intern besprochen, um Abhilfe für die oben genannten Probleme zu finden. Nochmals vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, eine Bewertung abzugeben. (Original) Thank you for taking your time to submit a review for us. We're sorry to hear about all of the issues you experienced during your stay. Surely it is our aim to provide excellent services at our facility and since it seems to have been subpar, these matters will be discussed internally in order to find a remedy to the aforementioned problems. Once again, thank you for taking the time to submit a review.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 23/02/2022 à 00:00

    We have been staying at this hotel since summer of 2021. We enjoy being close to the marina and watching the wildlife.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 04/06/2021 à 00:00

    We had a great stay! We came by boat and we were about to dock right outside the hotel which was very convenient. The start was amazing. Only complaint is that the sofa and bed were VERY firm which we aren't used to.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 14/09/2021 à 00:00

    Inn at Port Gardner was clean. Restrooms on main floor out of order which may have impacted plumbing in our ground floor room. Pet friendly was great! Staff was friendly and helpful

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 04/03/2022 à 00:00

    The hotel was clean, the staff was friendly and the room was cozy. Such a perfect getaway

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 22/07/2021 à 00:00

    Very nice new hotel in a great location. The hotel is basically in the Port of Everett marina, so the breeze is very nice, there is lots to look at and there are food, drink and walking opportunities right there. Will stay here again.

  • Avatar Sailing.h
    5 / 5
    Le 17/08/2021 à 05:08

    (Übersetzt von Google) Schönes komfortables Hotel. Gute Betten und Einrichtung. Guter Service. Nachteile Unzuverlässiges Internet. Läuft immer noch auf älterem WLAN5. Sollte auf Wifi6 upgraden. Außerdem könnten die Zimmer mehr Steckdosen vertragen. USB-C-Buchsen für Laptops und Telefone wären auch gut. Sie haben nur USB-A. Alles in allem ein gutes Hotel. (Original) Nice comfortable hotel. Good beds and furnishing. Good service. Cons. Unreliable Internet. Still running on older WIFi5. Should upgrade to Wifi6. Also, rooms could do with more power sockets. USB-C sockets for laptops and phones would be good also. They only have USB-A. Over all a good hotel.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Danke für Ihre netten Worte. Wir werden unsere Internetgeschwindigkeiten überprüfen und sehen, was wir verbessern können. Hoffentlich sehen wir uns ein anderes Mal wieder!! - Rezeption (Original) Thank you for your kind words. We'll look into our internet speeds and see what we can improve on. Hopefully we'll see you again another time!! - Front Desk

  • Avatar Russell.
    / 5
    Le 21/07/2021 à 00:00

    Positive: Room was clean and comfortable. Breakfast was brought to our door. Good choice of foods. Negative: No one at desk when we checked in ( we checked in a little late ~ 9:00 pm). We had to call on a desk phone to get them. Located in a sort of industrial area - not unsafe or ugly just not conducive to walking around.

  • Avatar Verified.o
    / 5
    Le 21/05/2021 à 00:00

    Positive: It was close to my family that I was visiting and some awesome restaurants. We discovered a leak under our sink and reported it. The staff took care of it right away. Negative: The bathroom has very poor, dark lighting. This is very specific to a women's perspective but it super frustrating to try and put on makeup without proper lighting. Only one staff member didn't greet us when we walked in.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 08/08/2019 à 00:00

    This hotel offers a great harbor/marina view with a very nice Italian restaurant next door. At first glance, it looks like a high-end hotel with bright abstract patterned hall carpets, designer colors and motifs, comfortable beds and laminate flooring in the rooms along with an under-counter sizeable fridge and Keurig coffee maker sans creamer. However, it can't seem to break away from the budget hotel class with its very cramped lobby, convenience store breakfast basket, mounted hairdryer, undersized towels, and rough 1-ply. Add on the high pet fee, and the value for the money drops even more. The location, though very picturesque, seems a bit odd as it is situated amidst a Naval complex in the marina and set away from other services. Though we had a lovely stay, it would probably not be my first choice in the future. As a Choice Hotels member, we have stayed in several Quality and Comfort Inns, this is our first Ascend property stay.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 04/03/2019 à 00:00

    I loved the Inn at Port Gardner! I chose it because it is close to the Snohomish County courthouse. I loved being right on the water and the view of the marina. I had a very kind welcoming front desk agent who gave me places to go out to dinner but when I got to my room there were free snacks so I didn't need dinner after all. The next day I was brought room service breakfast per my request and it was free! There was a fireplace in my room and the bed was really comfortable. It was a very nice room and I would recommend this hotel to anyone who wants to get a good nights sleep. It was really quiet and very nice.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 09/07/2021 à 00:00

    Best place to stay in Everett. We stay here every time we’re in Everett. Staff is better than all hotels combined and we stay in several places. Jacob is the best and deserves recognition as well as a raise. He’s so helpful/accommodating.

  • Avatar John.a
    5 / 5
    Le 03/08/2021 à 04:44

    (Übersetzt von Google) Dieser Ort ist ein echtes Juwel. Toller Wert. Bequeme Betten. Schöne Aussicht von jedem Zimmer. Ein besonderer Fund. Der Yachthafen wird mit der weiteren Entwicklung nur noch schöner. (Original) This place is a real gem. Awesome value. Comfortable beds. Beautiful views from every room. A special find. The marina will only keep getting nicer as the development continues.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für die netten Worte und das tolle Bild, das du bekommen hast! Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie das nächste Mal wiederkommen, um zu sehen, was es Neues im Hotel oder in der Umgebung gibt. Pass auf dich auf!! - Personal an der Rezeption (Original) Thank you so much for the nice words and great picture you got! We look forward to having you come back next time to see what's new at the hotel or in the area. Stay safe!! - Front Desk Staff

  • Avatar Nelson.l
    5 / 5
    Le 11/04/2021 à 03:00

    (Übersetzt von Google) Ausgezeichnete Unterkunft. Der Service einer besonderen Person ist hervorragend, wenn Sie ihn für den Kundenservice bekommen, wird es großartig sein. Gastfreundschaft ist sein zweiter Name. Wenn Ihr Hotel einen großartigen Hotelmanager braucht, müssen Sie ihn nachschlagen. Er stammt aus Texas und ist im Bundesstaat Washington aufgewachsen. Sein Name ist ..... geh dorthin und finde es heraus. (Original) Excellent place to stay. The service a special individual is outstanding if you get him for customer service it will be great. Hospitality is his second name if you hotels needs a great hotel manager you need to look him up. He is from Texas raised in Washington State. His name is .....go there and find out.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Nelson, was für ein erstklassiger Absatz zu lesen. Ich bin überglücklich zu verstehen, dass meine Dienste so gut aufgenommen wurden. Bitte komm wieder zurück. Unsere Persönlichkeiten kennen nur Höflichkeiten und Lachen. Was für eine wundervolle Welt. (Original) Nelson, what a first-rate paragraph to read. I am overjoyed to understand that my services have resonated so fondly. Please come back again. Our personalities know only pleasantries and laughter. What a wonderful world.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 05/05/2021 à 00:00

    The hotel was small and cozy. Our room was clean and had a really nice view. It was a little cold to be outside. The balcony had plenty of space to lounge.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 09/08/2021 à 00:00

    We have been staying at the Inn at Port Gardener since it opened. My favorite walk is down to the end of the pier and back in the mornings and in the evenings. And now they have opened a pedestrian foot bridge over Marine View Drive and the walk along Grand Avenue is amazing with the views and the flowers and the history of that street. Then dinner at Sculltebutts.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 26/06/2019 à 00:00

    This was our first stay at this hotel and we were pleasantly surprised. Our room was on the west side of the building with marina views. It was very quiet even with multiple train tracks across the road. Staff was excellent assisting us with dining and activity suggestions. The room was very clean and comfortable; not overly spacious but roomy enough for the two of us.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 27/04/2022 à 00:00

    Nice hotel, good value. Needs more parking. Nice views

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 16/11/2021 à 00:00

    The room was clean, but smaller that I had expected. The front desk staff was friendly. Our room did NOT have any grab bars in the bath/shower; bad very bad! For that reason I would not stay there again.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 04/06/2021 à 00:00

    Beautiful hotel overlooking the marina, gorgeous view! Will definitely be staying again on our next visit to Everett. Sammie, Emoni and Jacob were very helpful and friendly and made our stay very enjoyable.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 14/03/2019 à 00:00

    The location of this hotel is so great, with its quiet setting and marina view. It's only about 8 minutes from the freeway, and it's not expensive. The spacious room was lovely, looked modern enough, had all the usual amenities. Parking and breakfast were included. The people at the desk were very helpful. I would enjoy staying here again.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 23/06/2018 à 00:00

    We loved our stay at Inn at Port Gardner. The upgrade to a Fireplace Suite was nice feature for our anniversary. The room had wood-like floors, perfect for pet friendly accommodation. The views of the marina at sunset were spectacular, both from in the room and out on the patio. Snacks, bottled water and robes were provided as well as a complimentary breakfast basket the next morning. Coffee and fresh baked cookies are served in the comfortable lobby complete with a fireplace and local newspapers. The hotel is within easy walking distance of several restaurants. The front desk staff was very helpful and friendly.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 25/04/2022 à 00:00

    Wonderful location right on boat marina. Very friendly and helpful front desk.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 26/12/2019 à 00:00

    This hotel is not just beautiful and relaxing but the staff is amazing. The rooms are always clean and well maintained. The location is perfect for peace and quiet. Walking around the marina has great views of the Sound and the Olympic mountains. The restaurants located within walking distance from the rooms are some of the best in Everett.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 13/03/2022 à 00:00

    Very nice amenities, plush robes in the bathroom and great view from the balcony.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 23/06/2019 à 00:00

    This is a lovely small, pet friendly hotel located next to the Everett Marina. We try to stay every year on our wedding anniversary. Lombardi's restaurant is just a few yards away and this trip live music was playing on the pier. The desk clerks were friendly, providing wine glasses and graciously arranging a late check-out time. Our ground floor King room with outside patio was perfect for listening to the music next door and taking the dog out. She loves watching the rabbits roaming about the grassy yard. Both the patio door and the main room door seemed to have closure issues, but once locked were okay. Our only complaint was being charged the "pet fee" which was added to our credit card during the night. While we knew there was such a fee, we have never been charged before.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 26/05/2019 à 00:00

    The location, suite and hotel staff are wonderful. The cleanliness of my room didn't quite cut it (large door mirror not cleaned, used towel hanging on the back of the bathroom door), nor did the very low flow showerhead that barely misted my body or the bathroom sink that would not drain (I had to prop a tube of shower gel under it, sort of, to get the water to flow out). I want to really love this place and have stayed here before. I enjoyed the balcony in the morning and liked the set-up of the room in general, and the bed was comfortable. But the problem w/ the cleaning made me wonder what else hadn't been cleaned. I was too worn out by other things the night I arrived to care as much as I normally would. If I stay there next time I'll check the room out first.

  • Avatar AngeeRenee33.
    / 5
    Le 03/04/2018 à 00:00

    The hotel staff was very professional caring and welcoming. I enjoyed the delivery of breakfast it came in a cute basket. My room was great! They gave me a free upgrade and snacks for my stay! The room has view of the pier with both water and the boats! There was also a nice walkway to walk along the waterfront pier.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 13/04/2022 à 00:00

    I just feel that this whole situation could have been handled I used a lot of points for this room and to say we was disappointed is a understatement

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 31/05/2018 à 00:00

    I enjoyed my stay in Everett, WA at the Inn at Port Gardner. Our suite had a balcony with a great view. The room was well-appointed, clean, quiet and fit the web description. I really liked the hotel's breakfast service, delivering the ordered items directly to the room at a specific time, allowing me to enjoy breakfast privately as I wished.

  • Avatar Verified.o
    / 5
    Le 29/05/2021 à 00:00

    Positive: Location location location! Negative: The heating system (HVAC) didn't work efficiently. I had the temperature turned up to 74 and it was still cool in the room. My wife was chilly and she normally likes it on the cool side.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 25/02/2019 à 00:00

    We stayed in a corner suite which had a nice harbour view. It looked fabulous to sit out on the balcony when the weather is warm enough. There is a cozy fireplace for cold evenings with a generous sized bath in the bathroom. The seating area was comfortable with a table and chairs by the window to enjoy the breakfast delivered in a basket (you select from a breakfast menu which includes a breakfast croissant or burrito per guest, plus continental type items such as granola, yoghurt and oatmeal, and more).

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 06/01/2022 à 00:00

    Good location to view the waterfront, and local eateries next door and above in town. Quiet location. Comfortable rooms.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 23/04/2022 à 00:00

    Lovely marina location, great facility for pet owners, friendly and accomodating staff.

  • Avatar Julie.a
    5 / 5
    Le 03/08/2021 à 14:34

    (Übersetzt von Google) Sauber, komfortabel, tolle Aussicht auf die Marina! Das Personal war sehr freundlich und einladend. Wir haben unseren Aufenthalt sehr genossen. (Original) Clean, comfortable, great view of the Marina! The staff was very friendly and welcoming. We really enjoyed our stay.

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für das Schreiben einer Bewertung!! Wir schätzen die netten Worte. Wir können es kaum erwarten, Sie für weitere Nächte wieder zu haben! ! Danke nochmal. Bleib sicher. - Personal an der Rezeption (Original) Thank you for writing a review!! We appreciate the kinds words. We can't wait to have you return for more nights!! Thank you again. Stay safe. - Front Desk Staff

  • Avatar Matthew.l
    5 / 5
    Le 06/07/2019 à 14:26

    (Übersetzt von Google) Scheint ein neues Hotel zu sein. Großartiges Zimmer. Super sauber. Das Personal war sehr freundlich. Sie bieten ein tolles Frühstück ohne Grenzen. Ich liebe es zu laufen, also früh aufzustehen und in der Stadt herumzulaufen, war eine großartige Erfahrung. Ich empfehle dieses Hotel für alle, die ein neues Hotel mit allen Annehmlichkeiten suchen, die Sie für Ihren Aufenthalt benötigen. (Original) Seems to be a new hotel. Great room. Super clean. Staff were extremely friendly. They provide a great breakfast with no limits. I love to run so waking up early and running around town was a great experience. I recommend this for all that want a new hotel with all the amenities you need for your stay.

  • Avatar Robert.a
    4 / 5
    Le 13/11/2020 à 19:48

    (Übersetzt von Google) Wir sind schon so oft geblieben. Aus Standortsicht etwas abgelegen, aber ruhig, freundlich und sauber. Haustierfreundliche Zimmer verfügbar. Sie werden gerade an Veranstaltungsräumen gebaut, was unseren Aufenthalt nicht beeinflusst hat. Ich werde zurückkehren. (Original) We have stayed s number of time. A little out of the way from a location perspective, but quiet, friendly and clean. Pet friendly rooms available. They are undergoing a bit of construction on event hosting rooms, bit that didn't affect our stay. Will go back.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 26/07/2018 à 00:00

    The hotel was clean and staff was very nice and helpful. Nice to have breakfast delivered to our room. We loved the view and location. Easy walk to nice and casual restaurants and close to town and pretty easy freeway access. We would defiantly stay here again.

  • Avatar LindaLou.
    / 5
    Le 31/12/2018 à 00:00

    Everything from late night check in to morning check out 7 days later was great. Others staying there were very chatty in the lobby with a nice fireplace. I felt so welcome by all employees. Breakfast in cute baskets delivered each morning at the requested time. Environmentally nice, they on changed towels and sheets when I asked, green is good!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 07/07/2018 à 00:00

    My family and I stayed at this little gem of a hotel for the first time for the 4th of July. Wonderful hotel, clean, cozy, quiet, incredible staff. Coffee, daily newspapers and chocolate chip cookies were available in the lobby in the afternoon. The marina view was beautiful, especially for the fireworks show that evening. An amazing picnic basket breakfast arrived the next morning, and it was delicious. I will recommend this hotel to friends and family.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 14/09/2018 à 00:00

    The Inn at Port Gardner is a great place to stay. It's updated, clean and close to many restaurants. The morning breakfast was very convenient and delivered to your room at your specified time. The marina location was nice and there is a nice walkway to enjoy the view. The front desk person was very friendly and helpful. We would love to stay again.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 24/02/2021 à 00:00

    The room was okay but the heat system had been upgraded and even at the 86 degree setting the room was still uncomfortably cold. The front desk clerk brought us personal heaters. That was very nice.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 23/04/2022 à 00:00

    Great stay, and excellent staff made our stay sp comfortable

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 27/08/2019 à 00:00

    There wasn’t anything that we didn’t like about our hotel stay. Parking and check in/out were easy. The room was clean, large enough for us 4 women, pleasant decor in the room and lobby. We especially enjoyed the air conditioning, our patio on the ground floor, and eating our breakfast in our room in our pajamas. We all will stay here again.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 10/03/2022 à 00:00

    Lovely Off the beaten path Beautiful view a relaxing experience Great restaurant next four Anthony’s Treat yourself

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 26/06/2018 à 00:00

    This is a very nice property next to a marina. Some rooms have views of the sailboats and out to Puget Sound. The staff was courteous, the rooms clean and comfortable. The only criticism we had was the breakfast basket. It was delivered timely and as ordered, but the food was mediocre at best.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 25/06/2021 à 00:00

    We were meeting friends for dinner and drinks at Woodfire. Decided to stay at the Inn at Port Gardner. It was within walking distance to restaurants and we had a great view of the water and boats.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 24/08/2021 à 00:00

    Excellent room, wonderful staff, easy access to restaurants and the marina. It was much quieter than I thought it would be. Loved it!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 23/07/2019 à 00:00

    One of the cleanest hotels we have stayed in, from the parking lot, guest entry and throughout our room. The furnishings were nice and not worn looking. The bed was very comfortable and provided a restful sleep. We were lucky to have a view of the harbor which we enjoyed.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 18/08/2018 à 00:00

    The Inn at Port Gardner is on the water, with a marina in the back. Looking at the boats from the main-entrance patio area was pleasant, along with the sound of sea gulls. There is a sidewalk where you can walk along the marina, too. We had a very pleasant stay here. The location was especially important to us, as our son lives in Historic Everett, which is close by. The staff is friendly and helpful. We enjoyed the complimentary chocolate chip cookies, with the coffee, in the main entrance area.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 04/06/2019 à 00:00

    A pleasant surprise-very good value for the price. The room was well-kept, clean and attractive. The marina view was pleasant. The hotel was quiet and within waking distance of several nice restaurants. And the staff was friendly and courteous.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 02/05/2021 à 00:00

    The Inn at Port Gardner is always a favorite stop. We plan our road trips to include this hotel. Wonderful location with three excellent restaurants beside the hotel, overlooking the marina.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 18/04/2019 à 00:00

    I have always loved staying at The Inn at Port Gardner. It has an amazing view of the marina, great sunsets and views of the Olympic Mountains. The king suite is fabulous. Staff is always very professional, friendly and accommodating. I have never had a bad experience at this hotel

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 26/11/2019 à 00:00

    When I called the hotel direct and made the reservation I was very impressed with the assistance I received. The rate was very good and I requested to be placed in a quiet area and was accommodated with the request. I was very pleased with the hotel and our stay. We stayed there several years ago and was glad to see the updates that have been made. We will stay here again.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 01/05/2018 à 00:00

    I had the pleasure of staying at the Inn at Point Gardner. I had a room overlooking the marina which I highly recommend. It was quiet, clean and very comfortable. There a couple of excellent dining choices next door and a very more choices a short drive away. The staff was also quite nice.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 05/08/2019 à 00:00

    We stayed at the inn at port Gardner. It was a great place to stay for the weekend while we were out on the boat crabbing. After a day on the water, we had a beautiful room to relax in . The marina was right there to keep our boat overnight. Great restaurants right within walking distance!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 10/02/2020 à 00:00

    The Port Gardner Inn is a great hotel with a marina and boating atmosphere. The hotel owner and management pay close attention to the cleanliness and maintenance of the hotel, and are very helpful with making reservations. They also have a complementary breakfast which is delivered to your room.

  • Avatar Lori.
    5 / 5
    Le 07/03/2021 à 19:47

    (Übersetzt von Google) Das Zimmer war sehr sauber, neuere Farbe, Fußböden ect. Leckeres kostenloses Frühstück. Jacob an der Rezeption war sehr freundlich und effizient. Eine meiner besseren Erfahrungen in einem Hotel !!! (Original) Room was very clean, newer paint, floors ect. Yummy free breakfast. Jacob at the front desk was very friendly and efficient. One of my better experiences at a hotel!!!

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Wir freuen uns sehr, dies zu lesen und können nicht anders, als es ohne ein Grinsen zu lesen! Vielen Dank, dass Sie eine Bewertung für uns abgegeben haben. Wir werden den Kommentar für Jacob sicher weitergeben :-) Bleib sicher und gesund! (Original) We are so delighted to read this and can't help reading it without a grin! Thank you so much for submitting a review for us. We will be sure to pass along the comment for Jacob :-) Stay safe and healthy!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 23/06/2019 à 00:00

    The Inn at Port Gardner is a very nice hotel with many amenities. Our room had a separate sitting area with a fireplace. It was nice to sit on a sofa to watch television or read instead of having to sit on the bed. Also, each morning, breakfast was delivered to our room. What a great way to start the day!

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 08/10/2018 à 00:00

    The Inn was much nicer than expected. There are good restaurants within walking distance, the view of the marina and water beyond was better than a land view and the small hotel atmosphere was perfect. The breakfast basket delivered to the room was made to order and the oatmeal was hot! The feeling of luxury was great.

  • Avatar Anonymous.
    / 5
    Le 22/07/2018 à 00:00

    Convenient place to stay in North Everett, pleasant waterfront location, room appeared to have been recently updated...very modern. Comfortable bed. Nice choices for the breakfast basket. Stayed there once before and will probably do so again. But I mess the chocolate chip cookies that were in the lobby.

  • Avatar Vincent.o
    5 / 5
    Le 08/02/2022 à 01:29

    (Übersetzt von Google) Wunderbare Unterkünfte. Freundliches Personal. Keine Enttäuschungen. Wir werden zurück sein! (Original) Wonderful accommodations. Friendly staff. No disappointments. We will be back!

    Antwort des Eigentümers:
    (Übersetzt von Google) Vielen Dank für diese freundlichen Worte. Das hören wir immer gerne! Pass auf dich auf! Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie das nächste Mal wiederkommen. -Rezeption (Original) Thank you so much for those kind words. We're always happy to hear that! Stay safe! We look forward to having you come back next time. -Front Desk

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Öffnungszeiten :

Montag 09:00–22:00
Dienstag 09:00–22:00
Mittwoch 09:00–22:00
Donnerstag 09:00–22:00
Freitag 09:00–22:00
Samstag 09:00–22:00
Sonntag 09:00–21:00

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